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“We have been more than pleased with the ITSportsNet solution to date. We are bringing all our clubs to ITSportsNet so our members may have an on-line registration system, which will in turn talk directly with our registration database.”

Barrie White
Executive Director
Edmonton Interdistrict Youth Soccer Association

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A Handbook for the Registrar

From the Deerfoot Soccer Association

Hello, and welcome to your position as Registrar with the Deerfoot Soccer Association. This handbook has been made up in an effort to help make your job as Registrar a little easier. We want you to have fun with the position and don't take it too seriously. It is a volunteer position after all and we should all have fun as volunteers. It is going to take some time to do this position but this manual should help you find and pick the times when you can do these tasks. If you have any questions or concerns you should direct them to the President or Vice President, they will be happy to assist you in any way they can.

Good luck, and happy soccer.

Outdoor League Play


  1. Contact community papers with information package (see attached). Have them put announcement in the paper for December, January, and February's paper announcing Registration in February. Community papers are:
    • Crossroads Conveynor, Christine Ordze, Editor, 265-3418
    • Renfrew Reflections, Leo Smith, Editor, 276-8108
    • Local news CFCN public Service Announcements


  1. Contact Community Associations to have signs done right after January 1st with soccer registration dates in February.
  2. Contact Alpha Signs (Alpha Signs phone number is: 277-7010.), to Place signs on February 1st announcing Dates and locations
    • place 1 sign @ corner of 16th Ave and 19th street on SW corner.
    • place 1 sign on 16th Ave and Russet Road.


  1. Check CMSA website ( for any changes to outdoor fees.
  2. Have Facilities Coordinator contact City with field information. Cost for summer fields is about $4500.00
  3. Do mail out to all kids on list by January 15. Include in mail out:
    • Information Sheet, (prices, dates, locations)
    • Waiver form (CMSA and Community's)
    • Registration Form.
  4. Make sure you have:
    • extra registration forms (50-100 sheets)
    • extra Coaches Conduct (40 sheets)
    • parents conduct sheets (250 sheets)
    • kidsport forms (75-100 sheets)
  5. Make up a list of Coaches Clinics, Players Clinics, First Aid Courses, Season Start/Finish, and CMSA photo ID dates, for all your volunteers.
  6. Confirm with both Halls with registration dates.
    • Crossroads Hall : 277-6201
    • Renfrew Hall : 230-7055
  7. Contact communities' membership people, to inform them of the February registration dates, so that they can plan to be there.
  8. Contact the communities' bingo people and inform them of the February registration dates, so that they can also plan to be there.
  9. Call for volunteers at the Monthly Meeting.
  10. Do up posters and school flyers announcing registration. Bundle School flyers into bundles of 30 for each classroom send 1 extra bundle per school for in the office. Have these delivered to each school by 2nd week of January


  1. Registration Day (Usually 1st weekend and 2nd Weekend of Feb)
    • Pens, Pencils, Community hall photocopier. Staplers, extra staples, Calculators (a couple), yellow highlighters.
    • Go about 15 minutes early to ensure tables are set up and you have some waivers and registration forms on them for the people who lost them or just don't have any.
    • Make an accurate count of each age group.
  2. Pick up Team Registration forms from CMSA. They usually have the forms available 2nd to last week of February.
  3. Register your teams as early as possible, you only have 1 month after the forms are available (not necessarily after your registration dates). If you register teams late there is a $50.00 per team penalty at CMSA.
  4. Make sure you have all CMSA numbers for players who have previously registered on the team registration.
  5. Make sure all coaches conduct sheets are signed.
  6. Make sure all coaches have CPIC clearances done by CMSA. Or they cannot coach a team until these clearances are done
  7. Make sure all player's waivers are signed and photocopied. These must be turned in with your team Registration forms.
  8. Calculate fees from CMSA web site and have Treasurer cut a cheque for you to pay all CMSA fees.


  1. League play will commence at about the end of April
  2. Check for Minifests and Tournaments
  3. Co-ordinate with Marlborough for your U-6, U-8, U-10 house league schedules. (Note: if you're really organized you can do this sooner).
  4. Register teams into Minifests as per budget restraints.
  5. Marlborough always has a house league wind up and we participate.

    March is also U-8 MiniFest Prep Month

  6. Organize our Annual Invitational U-8 Eagles Minifest for around or even on
  7. Order medals based on last year's entries, you can always order more if you get more teams coming, (Give cost to Treasurer, we will recoup the cost in the entry fees).
  8. Get Volunteers to go around to area merchants for prize donations for the Annual U-8 Minifest.
  9. Have Council get someone to line the fields prior to the Minifest. We generally use the fields at Vista Heights Elementary.


  1. Arrange for team Photos. 1 day from 9:00 to about 3:00 should be sufficient.
    • The best hall is: Crossroads Community Hall: 277-6201 (city view)
    • The next best hall is Winston Heights Mountview Community Hall
    • Followed by Renfrew Community Hall: 276-7785


Take this month off you've earned it. (Mostly off anyway, see Indoor)

Indoor League Play

Note is NOT the same as Outdoor League.


  1. Contact Community papers with information package (see attached). Have them put announcement in the paper for August and September announcing Registration at end of August Beginning of September. Community papers are:
    • Crossroads Conveynor, Christine Ordze, Editor, 265-3418
    • Renfrew Reflections, Leo Smith, Editor, 276-8108
    • Local news CFCN public Service Announcements


  1. Contact Community Associations to have signs done right at the end of July with soccer registration dates in August, September.
  2. Contact Alpha Signs (Alpha Signs phone number is: 277-7010.), to Place signs on August 1st announcing Dates and locations
    • place 1 sign @ corner of 16th Ave and 19th street on SW corner.
    • place 1 sign on 16th Ave and Russet Road.
  3. Call for volunteers at the Monthly Meeting


  1. Check CMSA website, (, for any changes to indoor fees.
  2. Have the Facilities Coordinator contact City with school information. Cost for schools is about $ 6500.00
  3. Do mail out to all kids on list by July 15

    Include in mail out:

    • Information Sheet, (prices, dates, locations)
    • Waiver form (CMSA and Community's)
    • Registration Form.
  4. Make sure you have:
    • enough extra registration forms (50-100 sheets)
    • extra Coaches Conduct sheets (40 sheets)
    • Parents Conduct sheets (250 sheets)
    • Kidsport forms (75-100 sheets)
  5. Make up a list of Coaches Clinics, Player Clinics, First Aid Courses, Season Start/Finish, and CMSA photo ID dates, for all your volunteers.
  6. Confirm with both Halls with registration dates.
    • Crossroads Hall : 277-6201
    • Renfrew Hall : 230-7055
  7. Contact Communities membership people, to inform them of the August/ September registration dates, so that they can plan to be there.
  8. Contact the communities' bingo people and inform them of the registration August/ September dates, so that they can also plan to be there.
  9. Do up posters and school flyers announcing registration. Bundle School flyers into bundles of 30 for each classroom send 1 extra bundle per school for in the office. Have this dropped off at the schools on the 1st or 2nd day of school opening. (Belfast is on modified calendar so they go back in the middle of August you can drop off there sooner).


  1. Registration Day (Usually last weekend of August and 2nd Weekend of September)
    • Pens, Pencils, Community hall photocopier. Staplers, extra staples, Calculators (a couple), yellow highlighters.
    • Go about 15 minutes early to ensure tables are set up and you have some waivers and registration forms on them for the people who lost them or just don't have any.
    • Make an accurate count of each age group.
  2. Pick up Team Registration forms from CMSA. They usually have the forms available 1st week of August.
  3. Register your teams as early as possible, you only have 1 month after the forms are available (not necessarily after your registration dates). If you register teams late there is a $50.00 per team penalty at CMSA.
  4. Make sure you have all CMSA numbers for players who have previously registered on the team registration. You will have to go to CMSA to check numbers you don't have.
  5. Make sure all coaches conduct sheets are signed.
  6. Make sure all players waivers are signed
  7. These must be turned in with your team Registration forms.
  8. Calculate fees from CMSA web site and take a cheque with you to pay all CMSA fees.


  1. League play will commence at about the Beginning of October
  2. Check for Minifests and Tournaments
  3. Register teams into Minifests as per budget restraints.


  1. Arrange for team Photos. 1 day from 9:00 to about 3:00 should be sufficient.
    • The best hall is Winston Heights Mountview Community Hall: 276-5474.
    • The next best hall is Crossroads Community Hall: 277-6201
    • Followed by Renfrew Community Hall: 276-7785


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